Monday, December 26, 2011

Surprise Your Child With Kids Bunk Beds That Are Really the Bomb!

!±8± Surprise Your Child With Kids Bunk Beds That Are Really the Bomb!

These versatile and creative furniture pieces are much loved by kids and even parents are enthusiastic in their support about the many features and conveniences they offer.

You can probably relate to your child's words because most parents have fond memories of bunk and trundle beds from their own childhood. For several generations, kids bunk beds have been one of the most popular bed choice for a child's room. Most adults can remember sleepovers that involved a set of bunk beds. From the moment you saw that double-decker arrangement, hundreds of possibilities and adventures would immediately race through your mind. Now it's time that you allowed your children to experience the same kind of magical wonder that you once enjoyed.

Who could not be impressed by the sleek, cool style and fun appearance of a set of these multi-level beds? Of course the top bunk instantly sends a child's imagination into overdrive. It's a simple matter for them to believe that the top bunk is the cockpit of an airplane, a flying carpet or the interior of a Star Wars spacecraft. They can soar off to new adventures any time they clamber up the ladder and sit on the top bunk. There is just something incredibly thrilling and exciting to a kid when they get to sleep on a bed that is so close to the ceiling, even if that top bunk is really just a few short feet from the bedroom floorboards.

The bottom bunk also has some unique "adventure" qualities that kids appreciate. You can not overlook the special appeal of the lower bunk for kids that are a little unsure about climbing the ladder to that taller bunk. The lower bunk is also a perfect site for friends to sit and talk, listen to music or play a game. Many kids want to arrange blankets and sheets around the edges to create a special, hidden clubhouse and the design of these beds makes this an easy task to accomplish.

You can use these bed sets for several children but they make ideal bedroom furniture even if you just have one kid at home. With a bunk bed set you are giving them instant adventure and 2 beds for the price of one. Everyone knows that kids can get bored easily and being able to alternate where they will sleep is a lot of fun for kids of all ages. They can choose to settle down for the night in the bottom bunk where they can go to sleep in a bed surrounded by draped material that protects and hides them from the outside world. If they long for more adventure, they may want to choose the top bunk where they can drift off to sleep only a few inches away from a ceiling that may be covered with glow in the dark stickers of stars and planets to which they can travel.

There are a number of more practical features of kids bunk beds that will appeal to the sensibilities of a parent including:

Additional storage room Space saving furniture design Affordable Cost Sturdy Construction Kid Friendly appeal Special safety features Versatile use Although the choice of kids bunk beds used to be somewhat limited to a few basic designs, there are now dozens of modern, stylish looks and innovative materials available. Kids bunk beds with the twin over twin construction design remains a popular model but you also have other options. If you have several children at home you may want to choose a twin over full bunk bed which can be used for the sleeping needs of 2-4 children. This style is a good idea if you have older and younger kids sharing the same bedroom. It is possible to find a good variety of bunk beds with a modern twist such as those with a twin over futon design.

Other popular options include loft beds and kids full size bunk beds that provide amazing versatility. These sets are designed to grow with your child and if you are considering bunk bed sets for your kids then you may want to give these bed styles some serious thought.

If durability and sturdy construction are the most important features that you are looking for then you will definitely want to browse through the different selections of kids wood bunk beds that are available. These are built to last and can withstand the most rough and tumble play and activities. If you want to add some bright and cheery features to a room you might want to look at the kids metal bunk beds that are offered in a rainbow of colors.

With kids bunk beds you can bring colorful, kid friendly appeal and adventure to any child's bedroom. Even those with extraordinarily small areas. Still these bedding options include many more outstanding features!

It is easy to locate some kids full size bunk beds that can grow with your child from grade school to college. Some bunk bed models include special built -in features such as play tents, slides, bookcase style headboards, storage units, under-bed trundles and there are even some that include canopy covers. There are certainly more than enough optional colors and features available that can suit any taste, preference and budget. What better way is there to bring a powerful blast of fun and excitement to a child's room?

Surprise Your Child With Kids Bunk Beds That Are Really the Bomb!

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Trainspotting Analysis

!±8± Trainspotting Analysis

Trainspotting adapted from Irvine Welsh's novel and made by the Shallow Grave team of writer John Hedge, producer Andrew Macdonald, and director Danny Boyle, giving us characters and moments that are unforgettable. Ewan McGregor plays Renton, an on-and-off heroin addict who can't decide whether to clean up or regress in the company of his loser friends in working-class Edinburgh, and later in London. The film was produced in 1996.

Trainspotting in reality refers to a session of dark linear mark or track that is left in the veins after shooting heroin. The first thing is that heroin users mainline along their arms and inject up and down on the main vein. "Station to station," they call it. For addicts, everything narrows down to that one goal of getting drugs. "Trainspotters" are like that, obsessively taking down the numbers of trains.

The five main actors in this film are all males and with a life threatening drug habit. Trainspotting can be classified under four different types of film genre including: drama, comedy, crime and drug culture. "Trainspotting" is classified as drama since it is a serious story due to the drug habit and several scenes that showed the real lives of junkies, and graphic images of injecting heroin. On the other hand it can be classified as comedy especially when Spud goes to an interview high on speed and other funny moments that are there to lighten up the seriousness of the film. This can be classified as black humour. Surely Trainspotting can also be out under the crime and drug culture genre due to the story in itself and the characters This film gives us a very vivid and real picture of a heroin addict's every day routine.'Choose Life...' the film's most famous quote means a lot. Those portrayed in Trainspotting are the ones that need to understand choosing life; they are the ones that this phrase was penned for and who are these people living a life less ordinary? They are addicts in Scotland, living lives that are synchronized around getting what they need. For three of them, heroin is their mode of addiction, for another passivity, and for the last aggression. They are a mad quintet, pissing away lives that could maybe amount to something.

In the beginning as we are introduced to our humble narrator Renton (McGregor). We can see that he is on a road to nowhere, stealing CDs from a shop in hopes of making a little cash to pay for the next hit. His home away from home is a drug dealer's apartment ( Mother Superior) where he is issued a regular platter of needle, spoon, lighter, and heroin beside his best mates Sick Boy (Miller) and Spud (Bremner). They are as troublesome as he is, though Spud is helpless in his addiction while Sick Boy is just there to compare metaphorical sizes.

Movies about drug addiction are certainly nothing new, but this film makes everything look different, almost like it is the first film to deal with the subject. Trainspotting is brave and frequently hilarious; it's dark, smart and stubborn. It's more than one of the best 'drug movies' ever made; it's arguably the finest film to come out of the UK

Ewan McGregor plays the main character; Mark Renton. He introduces the film Trainspotting with an extremely energetic scene, the former scene accompanied by Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life', along with Renton's sarcastic narration, which rejects our weak, mechanical existence in favour of the joys of heroin. Iggy pop is Renton's hero. He even has a poster of him in his room. When he goes clubbing, we notice that his heroin habit has been going on for a long time as he doesn't recognize any of the new songs at the club. Diane makes him notice this, and Renton starts to realize that heroin has taken so much out of his life.

"People associate it with misery, desperation and death, which is not to be ignored. But what they forget is the pleasure of it, otherwise we wouldn't do it" He is undoubtedly appalled by society and the materialistic satisfactions it offers. He later compares heroin: 'imagine the best orgasm you ever had and multiply it by a thousand and you're not even there' However, after a few minutes into the film he decides to quit heroin. The viewers may conclude that it is time to move on in life, yet he could not live life without heroin as we see through out the film his various unsuccessful trials at quitting his habit

Renton has a serious drug habit, and due to his unemployment must sustain is by shoplifting and petty theft. When he was on methadone, he had his 'last hit' and this resulted in an overdose. This simply shows an effort to avoid being compliant. In fact, it is this determined attitude which possibly explains heroin's over Renton. He states, "We'd inject Vitamin C if they made it illegal"

Even though he manages to kicked his heroin addiction and starts a new life in London, his old circle of friends are not easy to get rid of and Renton ends up getting involved in a drug deal, and sells 4 kilos of heroin with his 'so-called' friends. Towards the end of the film, he betrays the others by escaping with the money. This shows the viewers that he decided to 'choose life', be 'just like us' which is a doubtful aim; the qualities of which the film questions the whole time

Renton is dreamy, sharp, troubled, and calm, seemingly all at the same time, and you never know where you are with him, as he never knows where he is with himself. It's an understated portrayal of an essentially rootless character - yet a magnetic one.

Johnny Lee Miller plays the part of Sick Boy who is portrayed as a handsome guy who has the habit of talking nonsense and bombarding his mates with trivia about Sean Connery. He is a womanizing James Bond wannabe, who is highly intelligent. Sick Boy is the one who seems least affected by his heroin habit. In fact, when Renton tries to quit heroin, Sick boy does the same just to spite him In the film Trainspotting Sick boy is the one who trivializes heroin and seems to have no problems with his addiction contrary to the rest of the crew.

"The film only touches on the question of how far his persona is genuine or just social camouflage" . Sick Boy's behaviour in the final parts of the film show how the death of his baby has affected him and made him more crime prone. He starts to deal in drugs, pimping and becomes an all round con. Renton states that when Sick Boy's child passed away, something inside Sickboy must have died and never came back .

Later in the film, Renton escapes to London to start a new life, while Sick Boy and the rest of his friends remain in the Scottish capital. When he visits Renton unexpectedly, he immediately sells Renton's television without consent and he also offers to sell Renton's passport. Sickboy is so fixated with his new criminal career that he never even bothers to think about Renton's feelings. "He becomes obsessed with developing useful contacts for that elusive 'big deal', and sticks a finger in any pie on offer" He becomes a manipulative pimp and drug-pusher at every opportunity and wouldn't hesitate about taking advantage and manipulating anyone for the purpose of self-advancement. All through out this ordeal Sick boy remains as vain as always.

Tommy, played by Kevin McKidd, contrasts vividly with the other main characters. He is portrayed as athletic, finding pleasure walking in the countryside, weight lifting and watching football rather than making use of drugs. As the film progresses, there is a drastic change in Tommy, turning him into the worst of the bunch with a "rapid and fatal" descent .

Tommy's relationship with his girlfriend Lizzie does not seem to be progressing well. The strain of finding their homemade porn film missing because Renton "borrowed" is the final straw for Lizzie and breaks off the relationship. When his efforts to patch up his relationship fail, Tommy falls in a depression and resorts to drugs. Sadly enough (black comedy), it is Lizzie, the very person whom Tommy loves that causes his death. With the increased use of heroin, Tommy contacts HIV. His initially clean and tidy apartment becomes filthy. His final tentative to regain Lizzie sees him getting her a kitten, which she refuses. Tommy is found dead due to an infection from the kitten's faeces . This has a social connotation as HIV and AIDS due to heroin abuse was on the increase and booming in 1996.

Clarke considers this character's story helps to create an ethical perspective in this film, giving the audience something to think about. Anyone can fall victim to drug abuse, even youths considered as 'good'. Clark states that Tommy is portrayed as free from drugs on film whereas makes use of amphetamines in Irvine Welsh's novel. This could be credited to the fact that certain individuals would prefer watching the film rather than reading the book thus the message has to be harsher to get across. The same can be said of Tommy's behind-the-scene drug use. As the film proceeds, Tommy's health aggravates thus shocking the audience. In the end, without Lizzie, Tommy "chose not to choose life" but heroin and death .

Begbie considers himself better than any of the rest. This is seen clearly when he lectures his friends after Renton narrowly escapes imprisonment , and trys to appear mature in front of Renton's parents and when he claims that never would he "poison" himself with chemicals. Alcohol can also be considered as a harmful chemical to the body, but Begbie doesn't see it as such. Begbie takes a commanding attitude when with his friends, for example in the final pub fight scene when he orders Renton to bring him a cigarette or during the hallucination scenes as well as during his stay with Renton in England.

Spud, the "amiable, childlike loser" as described by Clarke, is played by Ewen Bremner . Clarke considers Spud's life as brimming with wrong choices, including his choice of drugs which is considered unsuitable to his weak character . During his six-week relationship with Gail, they never had sex. On the night she wanted to have sex with him, Spud was too drunk to do anything. On awaking in Gail's bed the following morning, he finds the sheets soiled. Spud's bowel contents end up smeared on Gail and her parents whilst eating breakfast .

Clarke compares other scenes from the film. Spud gets incarcerated for shoplifting while Renton emerges practically scot-free. Similarly, Diane sees Spud lying intoxicated under the pavement during the letter scene whilst the others appear lucid . Also, despite various threats, Spud is the only member of the group to be injured by Begbie. Nonetheless, it is inevitable for everyone to love Spud. The audience sympathise with him. Renton wishes he ended in prison instead of his friend. In the end, he leaves money only for Spud because he pities him.

Kelly Macdonald starring as Diane is young but wise beyond her actual years. This is shown especially when she deals with men. At first, Renton sees her at a nightclub rejecting the advances of a man by drinking both drinks and leaving, and secondly when Renton approaches her outside the club and responds to his weak chat with a coldly cruel speech that leaves him completely dejected. However, when she leaves the taxi door open for Renton to go in, it becomes clear that the negative response may have been purely a tool to create sexual power over him.

Later in the film, after a night of passion with Renton in her bedroom, Renton and the audience are amused and disturbed to see Diane changing from her silver dress into her school uniform. The audience understands the position Renton has found himself in. He ought to escape from this situation or else face the consequences since she is underage. However, Diane has once again the power over Renton in this situation because if she tells the police, Renton will face prison. She knows the law and blackmails him to meet her again . Diane also seems to be more knowledgeable about modern culture. In fact she emphasizes that shooting heroin, listening to Iggy Pop and the fact that Renton and the main protagonists are still in Edinburgh are outdated, "Times are changing, music is changing, even drugs are changing" .

Establishing sexual power over men is also seen in other women in the film. In a nutshell, Trainspotting's male characters are ready to drop their usual secure façade and jeopardize embarrassment to fulfill their sexuality. The women in Trainspotting seem to be more than happy to coerce. For instance Spud's girlfriend refused to sleep with Spud during their six-week relationship but she later admitted to Lizzy that she wants to sleep with Spud yet she loves watching him suffer. Lizzy is also seen as ridiculing and sexually controlling her men. She would not deny herself from having sex with Tommy since it is her only pleasure she gets from him. However, later in the film, when Thomas could not find the highly intimate private video, Lizzy was ashamed. She was so furious with him that she left him .

Alison, played by Susan Vidler, is a typical drug-craving mother. She is self-centred, completely neglecting her daughter. When the baby is found dead in her cot, Renton narrates that they did not know who father her baby. This furthers the belief that she is quite immature and lacking in morals, having sexual contact with all male members of the group. On discovering her daughter's death, one of her initial reactions is to take heroin.

Mother superior is the group's heroin provider. Although he is seen administering the drug to the friends, he himself is never viewed making use of it. Mother superior cannot be considered completely as friend to them because he ultimately wants money for the drugs he provides. However, when Renton overdoses, Mother superior calls for a taxi and provides money for it. This can be interpreted as a friendly gesture but also as helping Renton to avoid getting in trouble. Mother superior knows the different characters of the group. This can indicate that they have all be using drugs for quite a while, thus frequenting Mother superior's place often. During the film, the characters are seen shoplifting to sustain their drug habit. The need to steal might have been initiated by Mother superior demanding hard cash.

The bond Renton has with his friends is just the common goal of shooting the next hit. When he is not on drugs he has to face reality, which is, maintaining relationships, meeting girls and everyday responsibilities. The film portrays what seems to be united group. However, there is a fear of Begbie because of his violence and alcoholic tendencies as well as him being the older of the lot. Sickboy, Renton, Spud and later on in the film Tommy all have a heroin addiction, thus their preferred method to solve problems is taking a hit. Begbie solves his by drinking and fighting. The group share stolen money and tend to shoplift in groups. When they go to the clubs, they party together. Still, in the end Renton calls the rest of the group "so-called friends".

The relationship between Renton and Spud can be thought of the best within the characters. As mentioned before, Renton cannot help liking Spud. Renton is seen giving his friend hints before Spud's job interview. Even though it is considered wrong, Renton offers Spud some speed to put him at easy. When both of them are caught shoplifting, Renton wishes he went to prison instead of Spud. In the same scene, he admits feeling lonely, although being surrounded with family and friends. At the end of the film, Renton felt sorry for Spud because he never harmed anyone or said a bad word about his friends. Thus, he left money only to Spud. This relationship is further supported by the fact that Renton asks Spud if they would take the money and go. Renton could have more easily grabbed the bag and left before Spud would have reacted in any way.

Renton has a good relationship with Tommy as well, thinking of him as one of his best friends. Tommy also considers Renton a friend by confiding with him the problems he had with Lizzie. Renton felt sorry for Tommy when he found his HIV positive friend living in a horrible, filthy apartment. He tried to make amends by giving money to Tommy to pay the rent. This relationship is somewhat ironic because Tommy's downfall is caused by Renton when he stole Tommy and Lizzy's video. From the beginning, Renton and Sickboy's relationship does not seem strong. Renton is slightly jealous of Sickboy. This impression is born by the fact that Sickboy can easily overcome heroin just because Renton is trying to quit. Sickboy does not seem to have any problems dating girls in the disco scene whereas Renton did not like the females around him, except for Diane. Towards the end of the film, Renton states that Sickboy would betray him off as well if he thought about it first. Sickboy himself admits the fact.

Spud and Tommy are seen alone talking about sex a highly private issue since they both have a girlfriend. Their girlfriends also seem to be in confidence with each other. They are comfortable sharing problems: Spud - no sex in a six-week relationship; Tommy - forgetting Lizzy's birthday. He had a ticket for Iggy Pop for the same night. When Tommy dies, Spud sings him a song. This little act shows how much Spud cared for Tommy. Begbie's relationship with Renton is slightly contradictory. Begbie trusts Renton enough to confide with him when he went out with a transsexual without knowing at first. However, Begbie threatens Renton on several occasions, his aggressive nature taking over all emotions. Renton pleases Begbie mainly because he fears him. Renton tries not to oppose Begbie because he is "a psycho" At the end of the film Renton states that he did not care that he betrayed Begbie.

The relationship portrayed between Mother superior and Renton cannot be termed as a friendship because ultimately Mother Superior's business consists of selling drugs to Renton and the rest of the group. Still their relationship runs deeper than the normal dealer-user relationship. Mother superior could have easily dumped Renton somewhere instead of calling a taxi to take him to hospital. However, some may doubt the gesture as generated due to friendship. The audience could believe that paying for the taxi is a little price to pay when compared to all the trouble Mother superior could get if found with a dead body.

Trainspotting could be described as conveying an anti-drugs message, which is portrayed through "character studies rather than a patronizing preach" This film presents its audience with more than one view of drug Throughout the film, the youth characters are frequently seen cooking heroin and injecting the latter into their bodies (, however it also portrays the pain, agony, melancholy and unhappiness that are derived from this drug addiction . One could say that this film is a warning about the fears and perils of drug addiction, mainly heroin addiction .

Trainspotting's anti-drug message mainly lies within the film's ability to illustrate and tackle the reason as to why young people are attracted to drugs. Furthermore the film's power and success into presenting the audience with the negative results, damage and consequences that derive from this type of addiction convey this anti-drugs message more clearly. The film portrays these negative results and damages constantly throughout the film. The film and its characters enter a world of neglect, dieing babies, AIDS, anxiety, depression, boredom and hopelessness. Moreover the other anti-drugs message that derives from this film "goes beyond causes and consequences in explaining that serious drug abuse is itself beyond cause and consequences: Renton asks, "Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?" .

Trainspotting deals with the mid 80's heroin subculture of Edinburgh, "when Pakistani smack had glutted the UK market, becoming, for thousands of ordinary people mired in unemployment, a cheaper means to oblivion than alcohol". It analysis the likelihood of youth subcultures to surpass "their social class contect and form(ing) a class of their own" In this film even "nonravers" are portrayed as drug users, both in a literal sense ("state-sanctioned chemicals like alcohol or tranquilizers") and in a metaphorical sense ("TV, videos, computer games, the adrenaline rush of football violence") .

Hebdige (1979:100) maintains that "style is an intentional communication." Barthes (N.D.) as cited in Hebdige (1979:100), differentiates between "subcultural" and "normal styles." The subcultural style collects those insistent mixtures of clothing, music, jargon and so on, and nearly exhibits a corresponding connection to "the more conventional formulae (normal suits, ties, twin sets, etc.)". The clothes that individuals wear are selected within the constraint of preference, taste, cost etc. Such choices embrace a wide range of messages, which are communicated through the delicately assorted distinctions of a number of "interlocking sets" such as status, self-image and class. Subcultural styles distinguish themselves from normal styles as "they are fabricated and they display their own codes," and this is constantly portrayed throughout the film (Hebdige, 1979:100-101). Through the clothes worn by the characters in the films, they are portraying the message that they do not belong to the "normal culture" but they belong to a class or subculture of their own; "I speak through my clothes" (Eco, 1973 as cited in Hebdige, 1979:100).

Trainspotting can be described as dark humor, but junkies' world over priced the film heartily. It's a film that is mainly about people that do not want to belong. Trainspotting is not the first film about heroin, but the first one that is a 'slap in our faces are both the grim realities of life at the tip of a needle and a freewheeling, pop-music-fueled glorification of the addicts' smack-happy existence' .

The Trainspotting soundtrack was wildly successful in the international charts after the release of the film itself, in the 1990's. The music score is mainly composed of popular music. Sometimes the film takes the semblance of a music video, with conversation kept at a bare minimum. The scene and the soundtrack are complete and enough for the viewer to understand. This is used several times and for different purposes .

In the first ten minutes of the film, we are transfixed; watching as the anti hero Renton and Spud race through the streets and a voice over begins:"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television; choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. . . ."

This litany goes on and then we get a view of Renton lying in heroin stupor and the voice over ends with:

"But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"

Accompanying this powerful scene is Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life'. 'Lust for Life', in which the lyrics, are markedly subordinated to Renton's voice-over after the thumping opening few bars, so much so that the only lyrical fragments that can be heard are the opening line 'Here comes Johnny Yen again...' and the choral refrain ('I gotta lust for life'). Incidentally, Iggy Pop is renowned for his past heroin abuse and is mentioned quite a lot in the film. The two eventually come to signify each other - Mark Renton is the central character of the film, and Iggy Pop is the most prominent artist on the soundtrack album. Iggy Pop's music also lends a sense of rebellion to the film. We can notice Iggy Pop's poster in one of the scenes too

Renton's knowledge of new music is limited and this is seen when they go clubbing. Renton is ill at ease; he hasn't been out for a long time and is not in touch with the current music scene. This is where we have the inclusion of the songs Born Slippy and 'For what you dream of'. All this shows how Renton has been so wrapped up into his heroin habit that he is totally put of touch. The only song Renton recognizes is a song originally by Blondie called "Atomic' (an 80's song). The shift in emphasis is evident in Trainspotting itself as, although the musical character of the score gradually shifts from the proto-punk of Iggy Pop through to the more recent waves of dance music

Some of the music was recorded purposely for the film. For example Pulp's "Mile End", which accompanies Mark Renton's moving into a London flat. The lyrics of the song describe the state of the flat he moves into:

"It smelt as if someone had died
The living room was full of flies.
The kitchen sink was blocked
The bathroom sink not there at all..."

Another song created by the group Leftfield for the film is ironically called 'The final Hit'. Throughout the film Renton takes many of his so called final hits. It is mainly an instrumental track, with harmonic chords which contrast with a dark, almost overpowering rhythm track. The contrast between harmony and rhythm may represent Mark Renton's mixed feelings at this point in the film - he desperately wants to give up heroin, but the feeling it gives him is too pleasurable.

As a whole the music used in the film is full of irony. For example when Renton is hallucinating that he is disappearing down the 'dirtiest toilet in Scotland', we hear a mellow piece of ambient music by Brian Eno, aptly called Deep Blue Day. The film takes a surreal twist here and we enter a world of soft sounds and images as Renton swims in a blue ocean. This all contrasts harshly with the reality of Renton digging into a filthy toilet to find his heroin suppositories, while he vomits uncontrollably

All of the songs in the soundtrack of Trainspotting have become significant to people who saw it and associate the songs to the film; to heroin. At this time, the term heroin chic was having great impact in the world. Heroin chic was a trend in the 90's that characterized the "thin, sickly look of junkies. Blank expression, waxy complexion, dark circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks, excessive thinness, greasy hair" were seen on runway models showing the 'heroin chic' look and promoted in popular magazine and fashion circles as 'chic'. This fragile, thin, and drug-addicted look was well-liked in the fashion world. In fact, in 1997 it was the basis of the advertising campaign of Calvin Klein. The heroin chic fashion provided debate and anti-drug groups protested. "Fashion designers, models such as Kate Moss and James King, and movies such as Trainspotting were blamed for glamorizing the heroin chic look and lifestyle"

Former US President Bill Clinton condemned the heroin chic look and the 'heroin chic' fashion photography for sending a message that using the drug is 'glamorous' and 'sexy'. He said, "You do not need to glamorize addiction to sell clothes." As he saw it, the glorification of heroin "is not creative. It is destructive. It is not beautiful. It is ugly. And this is not about art. It is about life and death. And glorifying death is not good for any society" Not surprisingly much of the mainstream press and the dailies were horrified by the apparent glorification of heroin use in the film Trainspotting. Junkies were presented as righteous heroes choosing freedom over the tyranny of consumer society. Suddenly all values were inverted as viewers and readers were invited to identify and empathise with low-lifes who would think nothing of spending all day watching telly and shooting heroin. Trainspotting helped a new morbid fascination with the drug heroin by portraying powerful role models in the movie. For years heroin has been very popular in the lives of young celebrities for example River Phoenix (who died of an overdose in 1992).

Trainspotting was a great hit and could be seen of more than advertisement than a film. Even years after the film was released, the film about heroin addiction is was of the best marketed films that portrays cultural images of the heroin subcultures. Trainspotting has received a cult following. The film addresses both the problems of heroin addiction from a user point of view to an anti-drug point of view. Trainspotting manages to shock us, terrify and disgust us one moment and make us laugh the next. Trainspotting does not really have a plot but simply follow the daily lives of this group of junkies

Drugs are the main focus of this film. In the 1990's a new wave of music and drugs started to emerge. Heroin was seen as old-fashioned (Iggy Pop). With the film Trainspotting heroin was given the spotlight. Characters like Sick Boy and Renton became idols for rebellious teenagers who wanted to experiment in drugs, felt disillusioned, unattached from society. Trainspotting became the bible to this new generation of heroin junkies. They had a soundtrack and idols to emulate. On the other hand one could have viewed the film as it is; an ironic and cynical peep hole into the lives of a group of heroin addicts. The tragedy of the film is apparent to the viewer, but than it is up to the individual to interpret it.

Trainspotting Analysis

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Monday, November 28, 2011

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Usually ships in 4-5 business days

The design of the Fraser daybed is simplicity itself. The back has a curved camel back and the arms curve out as if inviting you inside. The back and arms comprised of 3? wood slats set one inch apart with a keyhole pattern carved in the center slats of t

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

For Sake of Nation: The Kennedy Murder

!±8± For Sake of Nation: The Kennedy Murder

Life had become so desperate for people in South East Asia that on one June day a few had concluded all that was left to them were their bodies to express an indescribable despair. Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk, dramatically committed suicide by setting himself ablaze while sitting on a busy street in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), protesting South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem's religious repression. A few of the martyr's fellow believers wept as his charred corpse tumbled to the pavement. Diem, who claimed a Christian faith, even after ordering the killings of several monks for the offense of displaying Buddhist flags, would meet a slightly similar fate later that year, 1963. Instead of being escorted from the country, as JFK was told would occur, Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu were slain in a US backed military coup. At that time there were approximately 16,000 US "advisors" in South Vietnam. Also that year Reverend King punctuated a day long protest by another aggrieved people with a brief sermon in Washington DC, immediately placed among the great historic American orations. Additionally, a prohibition on trade with and travel to Cuba by US citizens was signed into law by John Kennedy. The "Hot Line" was established between Moscow and Washington, and a treaty banning certain nuclear tests was signed by representatives of the US, the USSR, and the UK. In England the "Profumo Affair" sex scandal threatened to destroy the careers of several high-ranking politicians and their officers over accusations of state secrets possibly divulged through pillow talk. Prime Minister Harold Macmillan resigned shortly after, for health reasons, it was said.

In New England four more women were officially added to the list of The Boston Strangler's victims. Also in Boston that year Julia Child, "The French Chef" (as in French cuisine), was introduced to the nation on NET (National Educational Television), the precursor to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Boxing Champion Sonny Listen and challenger Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) agreed to face eachother in a match for the heavyweight title in Miami the following year. There were reports that the young boxing phenom had occasionally been seen in the company of Malcolm X. James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time" was published, as was Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique," widely cited as igniting the modern Feminist Movement. Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar," was also printed, posthumously (under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas), as she had died by her own hand in London earlier that year. On the same day of her farewell, Thomas Edison's birthday, inventor of the phonograph, and same city, the Beatles recorded their maiden album. And with a little help from their friend George Harrison, the Rolling Stones signed their first record contract that year. While in the "motor city" of Detroit, prodigy "Little" Stevie Wonder cut his premier single, accompanied by Marvin Gaye on drums. Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" won the Grammy for Record of the Year. The first reputed discotheque opened in Los Angeles, "Whisky A Go-Go." On television "The Beverly Hillbillies" and "Bonanza" were in a virtual tie for the #1 program in the US, with "The Dick Van Dyke Show" pulling in third. Several people noted the vaguely similar look of actress Mary Tyler Moore to Jacqueline Kennedy. TV series starring "identical twin cousins," a collie with an IQ higher than its human co-stars, and a talking horse were also, inexplicably, popular that year.

The notorious Alcatraz prison was closed, and the United States Supreme Court banned the oath of prayer and Bible reading in public schools. Quasars were discovered, Valium was invented, nuclear reactors went commercial for the first time, and nuclear submarine USS Thresher sank into the Atlantic. "Touch Tone" phones were introduced, along with zip codes, tape cassettes, lava lamps, Cap'n Crunch cereal, and pull tabs for canned drinks - which only bodybuilders, at times it felt, had the strength to wrench the darn things off.

A coal mine explosion killed nearly 500 people in Japan, and injured almost 900 more. George Wallace became Governor of Alabama, where soon after Civil Rights protesters, including some children, would be attacked with dogs, tear gas, sticks, rocks, police and mob beatings, and tax paid fire fighters using water hoses with pressure capable of tearing flesh from bodies and breaking bones. In this same place four adolescent girls were blown to bits while at Sunday church in that southern state, and numerous others would sustain horrendous lifelong injuries from a dynamite bomb. Zambia became a country, and Kenya became independent, with Jomo Kenyatta as its first Prime Minister.

William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) DuBois died in Ghana. New Englander Robert Lee Frost, who was actually from California, passed away, only two years after being a special guest at JFK's inauguration. Aldous Huxley, author of the iconic futuristic novel "Brave New World," also went to the ages. Edith Piaf, C.S. Lewis, Dinah Washington, Patsy Cline, Ernie Davis, Pope John XXIII, and Estes Kefauver likewise died this year. As would Medgar Evers, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. Toddler Barack Obama turned two, and sixteen year old William Clinton shook his idol's hand at The White House. Miss America Vanessa Williams was born, along with baseballer Mark McGwire, basketballer Michael Jordan, and songstress Whitney Houston. In 1963 a little more than 3 billion people existed on planet Earth. And in the Southwest President John Kennedy made a political tour, three weeks after the murders of President Diem and his brother Nhu in South Vietnam. 1963 was an interesting year.

Deep in the heart of Texas the intoxicating scent of turkey feasts drifted across the cityscape of Dallas in anticipation of that uniquely American spiritual observance of Thanksgiving, one week away, with the festive holiday of Christmas right around the corner. Store windows were already serenading the masses with tinsel and twinkle lights, and ads promising Happy Nol memories at ten percent off. It had rained. And the skies were overcast. But it hadn't discouraged thousands of residents from lining the streets in expectation of the President's visit, in spite of that community's deeply conservative sentiments. Many were eager to see the First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, whom they knew was accompanying JFK during his visit. She rarely attended such political events with her husband, making this presidential tour a particularly special treat.

Early morning showers ultimately part for the welcomed warmth of the Sun. The welcome warmth of "Big D" has also been shown in abundance throughout JFK's visit, to the genuine appreciation of the Kennedys. Anxieties and warnings by some that Dallas could prove a difficult experience for the moderately progressive politician now seemed unnecessarily dire. Everyone immediately recognizes the glamorous First Couple as their navy blue Ford Continental luxury limousine finally reaches Dealey Plaza, located in the city's historic center, some forty minutes into the parade and behind schedule after starting on its nearly eleven miles journey from Love Field to the Dallas Business and Trade Mart. A typical itinerary for visiting dignitaries. A lucky few residents have even received a personal greeting from the visiting pair at the airport and along the way.

The rumble and hum of motorcycle engines precede the lead car carrying various Dallas officials, including Kennedy's military aide, who would commonly be seated in the President's automobile. The heavy limousine winds slowly onto Houston Street. Women are especially envious of the lovely Jackie in her stylish pink and blue Chanel designer suit, with matching pillbox hat. The glittering political family are as striking in person as on TV, beaming all the while to their gradually thinning admirers. Few notice the first family of Texas are also in attendance, Governor John Connelly and Mrs. Nellie Connelly, sitting directly in front of Jack and Jackie, as the line of cars mosey by. Numerous people wave at, take photographs or home movies of, applaud approval to, or simply watch, not really knowing just how one was expected to greet a president.

Over local radio citizens travel along with the motorcade as the announcer paints the scene with words. "The President's car is now turning onto Elm Street, and it will be only a matter of minutes before he arrives at the Trade Mart...." The parade of cars make a sharp left, as John Kennedy leans over to say something to his wife, then looks back to his right to wave when a loud pop cracks the relative quiet, startling several bystanders. A few in the plaza think it's poor taste for some idiot to be lighting firecrackers. It just makes all of Dallas look bad.

This is largely how those in Dealey Plaza experienced what would quickly become realized as one of the most significant events in American history. For years to come this date would be as memorable as July 4th, Independence Day. And Dallas would, for a time, be the most hated city in the world for many Americans. The debate, such as it is, about John F. Kennedy's murder continues....

Should we care still about this nearly ancient crime today? Hasn't the motive for the assassination long ago receded into the horizon of history, and irrelevancy? Is there really any constructive reason to continue this seemingly quixotic quest to finally know the truth behind this man's callus murder? That is, if there's really any "truth" to know? Had Senator John F. Kennedy and not President John F. Kennedy died in the same manner, on that same day, at this same place, by those same hands only his family and close friends would have genuinely cared about his passing. Perhaps cold to say, but true nevertheless.

For a few this has been nothing but a morbid pastime of trivial pursuit: "Where were you when you first heard Kennedy was shot?" As if the answer has ever been worth hearing. And then there's the herd who seem oddly fascinated by the purported paradoxes of John Kennedy's and Abraham Lincoln's deaths. Mesmerized by some imagined cosmic connection developed through a collection of hodgepodge minutia. Is there not a point where one should say at long last let the man rest in peace, and for all others to simply get on with whatever life we have left to enjoy? For those who sincerely believe Lee Harvey Oswald is guilty of this crime, and guilty alone, then the answer quite certainly is yes, it's well past time to move on.

To them the people engaged in their endless list of suspects, and their unremitting enigmas of Camelot are pointless. And ghoulish. Others not seriously interested in the matter have found tasteless, inappropriate humor in this homicide. But what can you do? Elsewhere the tendency by many amateur sleuths has been to take a defensive posture in protecting their precious "solutions" to this murder mystery, no matter how silly many of their theories most certainly are. As though the truth in this crime is less important than saving face for the expounders of conspiracy. That "facts" were simply a matter of one's own opinion. Many of these people's claims of camarillas are so far out there that at times it's difficult not to wonder if at least some are not indeed dishonest individuals intentionally injecting blatant nonsense into the mix simply to then inclusively taint those whose earnest view is that the Oswald angle is crooked, in order to then indict all who disbelieve the official conclusion in one grand stroke, yet again, with the mainstream spokespersons' vapid curse "conspiracy theorists." Allowing then for the periodic no-names from nowhere an opportunity to emerge in defense of the government's conclusion on the matter, and receive the red carpet treatment from the Fourth Estate, to give their labyrinthine tomes mass exposure. Or these days to world premiere their extravagant computer animations, made clearly on a budget and scale well beyond the known abilities and resources of these "authors," and anoint their version as the "truth," for those ignorant of the relevant details on this crime.

Still, among the people who sincerely sense this case as unresolved, their response has periodically been to remind us: A murderer allowed to go free will kill again. To them Kennedy was simply the most notable but still unfortunate casualty of what was then the latest threat in a seemingly forever series of threats to the nation's security: The Cold War. His death came at a period when the country was in a state of profound transition. Of genuinely positive and far reaching possibilities. Not to say those years were filled with languid moments of halcyon bliss. They weren't, despite what old people may tell you. The capacity for monstrous depravity or sublime decency existed as much then as now. Yet many then actively did more than merely complain about the wrongs of the world by making what contributions they could to ameliorate such conditions. Primarily because of a number of encouraging voices inspiring them forward. Kennedy's was among those voices.

After a world war of unimaginable obscenity, closely followed by nearly fifteen fear-mongering years of "duck and cover," JFK's presence intimated the threat of mass nuclear death worldwide wasn't necessarily the future. And though his legislative position on civil rights was anemic, his rhetoric suggested he was with us in spirit. His upbeat attitude, his self-deprecating humor, his style, his youth, his vigor, made the bitter pill of constant diligence go down a little sweeter. Contrary to so many past and succeeding presidents who seemed to encourage humanity's basest instincts this President, John Kennedy, invigorated, as Lincoln might have said, "our better angels." Though he was no FDR by any stretch of the imagination, the impression broadly held of him was of a politician with significant promise, whose potential greatness lay just a little farther beyond. Despite his privileged pedigree JFK appeared to honestly give a rodent's rump about the little guy. Yet in reality the man was far from perfect. Whatever that is.

He was, as many of his background so ordinarily are, arrogant and self-involved, and, let's be honest, a bit of a sexist. Those who were close to him in unguarded moments might have admitted through a whisper that he was vain as well. And decades would pass before his profound physical disabilities and life threatening ailments (endured since childhood), disguised from the public with the aid of a cocktail of medicines, quack concoctions and drugs, braces, and lifts, would be exposed. Considering the choice of profession pushed upon him by his ambitious father, numerous people who met him would admit their surprise in discovering that the man was actually rather shy. Finally, his coital appetite for women not his spouse, the level and quantity greatly exaggerated by sleaze pushers, revealed an apparent lack of respect for Jackie. Or insensitivity to how this behavior might effect her. Biographers of JFK insist the man ultimately outgrew his carnal immaturity and adolescent view of women by his final years, heightened by the death of his last child months before his own, moving him from shallow impressions towards his "better half." Appreciating Jacqueline and her unique qualities. And in love at last with his wife. With his cover boy smile many fell under the magic of his personal charm. A gift he often took for granted. Through the eyes of an outside observer looking in, Franklin Roosevelt, it appears, was his political model; and he carried himself in the manner of the movie persona of actor Cary Grant.

However, John F. Kennedy was not the liberal champion his worshipers insist on lionizing him as, or his detractors inanely denounce him for. He was primarily a pragmatic moderate, with progressive leanings, who spent much of his time as President maintaining the status quo, with only a few minor tweaks here and there that would occasionally, and minimally, favor reformist ideals. While he was in the White House his administration supported repressive governments throughout the world. The Pentagon and other American agencies aided, financed and actively participated in the undermining and overthrows of foreign offices which were either socialist or mildly friendly with the Soviets during JFK's presidency. Resulting in power vacuums to be filled over time by despots. His administration's assistance to apartheid South Africa greatly aided the white minority there to maintain their savage bigotry over the indigenous people, justified behind the broad Cold War umbrella of fighting communism. Nelson Mandela's nearly three decades long imprisonment, along with the murders and torturous confinements of tens of thousands of others, was due in large part to the aid and assistance of John Kennedy's government.

Over time this tyro world statesman matured from one with a simplistic reading of the Oval Office as "the center of action," to a respect for the profound influence and difference upon the world its power offered to one who understood its true significance. Kennedy's original ideology reflected an adherence to what then was perceived a plausible view of geopolitics, "The Domino Theory." Heavily weighted in the unfounded belief that the world was at risk from the irresistible siren call of collective economics. A society which adopts this doctrine meant its neighbors would inevitably follow suit, one by one. That is, fall like "dominoes." In essence a philosophy espousing communism as a virus. Therefore this foe to capitalism had to be stopped at all costs, through every means available. By the last year of his presidency and life, however, there was a sea change in the depth of his world view. The most obvious root of this shift was the Cuban Missile Crisis. After this sobering experience Kennedy began to explore avenues towards a more peaceful coexistence with the nations then at odds with American interests, particularly that related to the USSR, with proposals for joint ventures between these two adversarial societies. Kennedy had hoped at some time during his second term to effectively change the direction of the United States from one of a state perpetually in siege, to one of equilibrium.

On the domestic front, in his last few months, Kennedy would belatedly follow through on his campaign pledge of doing more for equal justice by pushing forward a bill he knew would be difficult to get through Congress. Though like his brother Robert was quoted as saying in reference to himself on the issue of civil rights, he wasn't losing any sleep over it. But after largely observing the drama from the sidelines for more than two years, which included witnessing the racist violence inflicted upon civil rights campaigners, and in particular the ambuscade assassination of Medger Evers at his home in Mississippi, Kennedy had given a speech just hours earlier, thought then to have lifted the cause. This and the August 28 "March On Washington" would be answered with the damnable slaughter of children in Birmingham, Alabama. Nearly five years later Robert Kennedy would give a near verbatim recital of this same address during his own campaign for President.

JFK's progressive tone had begun taking on a more liberal edge with each successive month, to the great disgust, and fear, of many conservative interests who had grown wealthy and influential by keeping things just as they were. Even though tangible results of his grandiloquence was skimpy, and he was given far more credit than deserved by his supporters for the successes of the Civil Rights Movement, John Kennedy's efforts were received by those on the bottom rung of the American paradigm as an attempt to do right for the poor. Something unusual for men in his position. Many of these people in particular, the voiceless and abused, took his death hard. They felt cheated. For them and numerous others his murder was personal.

His cruel slaying shocked that generation back into the cold reality that even this good natured man wasn't safe from the demons hell-bent on keeping us forever afraid and, like children, dependent on those who viewed themselves as the nation's surrogate parent, protecting us from the vaguely defined night monsters beneath our bed. Pulling us backwards and playing us for fools by promoting paranoia, ad infinitum. Their chesty posture proclaiming we'd all be living in caves and paying daily homage to Chairman Mao, while subsisting on foraged scraps, if not for these indispensable American saviors. John Kennedy's speeches now forever silenced reminded the people that they themselves and no one else, were their own masters who need not look no farther than where they were to change the world. His slaying did not alter that understanding among the ones who heard him.

Thus, this thing people have been doing ever since, going over the same ground again, and again, in an effort to understand what happened on that day, and why, has had in large part little to do with Kennedy the man. His savage killing and its effect on this land was less, possibly not at all, about him. Those who have spent the better part of so many years of their lives and personal resources on this has reflected an engagement in a crusade to rectify history and take back what was so viciously stolen on that autumn afternoon so many years ago: The right to live one's own life, in one's own way. On our own terms. And to not be afraid.

On the last day of John Kennedy's life he had in place plans to pull nearly one thousand American soldiers from Vietnam by the end of December 1963, a mere five weeks away. Authorized within that same document, National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 263, revealed JFK's intent to withdraw all nonessential and combat personnel from South East Asia by New Year's Day 1966, permanently. NSAM 271, his penultimate memorandum, outlined designs to work in partnership with the Russians in the area of space technology, instead of continuing with the budget busting Moon Race, to begin as soon as Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed in principal on the terms, to not only build a diplomatic bridge between them, but to also ultimately end the politically and financially lucrative, but morally corrupting Cold War. After Kennedy's death this "war" would continue for nearly twenty-five more years, to be first clumsily replaced with a "war on drugs" - waged against chosen American citizens the American media would demonize as "super predators," and then brutishly replaced by a "war on terror."

In addition, during the last months of his life he and his brother Robert were engaged in, they thought, secret talks through third parties for the possibility of lifting the embargo against Cuba and in time restoring diplomatic relations with that "imprisoned island," after JFK's reelection, to the rage, and concern, of Pentagon hawks. Particularly the Joint Chiefs.

The day of November 22, 1963, found Kennedy's Vice President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, embroiled in several growing financial and political scandals which promised to not only assure LBJ's removal as JFK's running mate in the 1964 presidential campaign, but virtually guaranteed the end of his very spotty, and violent, political career. One of these imbroglios threatened to reveal Johnson's possible connection to the murder of Henry Marshall, a federal agent in Texas, killed while investigating a shady financial deal related to one of the Vice President's moneymen. The agent's death was officially ruled a suicide, of five gunshots, with a bolt action rifle. Also, there were rumors Johnson may have played a role in the death of his sister, Josefa Johnson, on Christmas day 1961, to keep secret what she knew about her corrupt, and disturbed older brother. The smart money gave LBJ no more than a few months more before it was all but over for him. The gossip in DC was that President Kennedy had taken a liking to Senator George A. Smathers of Florida, who looked to them to be JFK's favored choice as running mate for the coming campaign.

On this final day of John F. Kennedy's life he was preparing for his reelection, and where he hoped to be for the next five years. He most certainly intended to retire John Edgar Hoover from the FBI (whom in later years Robert Kennedy would refer to as "dangerous," and "a psycho"), and risk the wrath of "The Director." But only after securing a second term. There was talk among numerous insiders that after JFK's eight years as President brother Bobby might make a go at the highest political office in the land in 1968; and maybe youngest brother Edward would follow in the American bicentennial year of 1976. Thus maneuvering around the Republican and Dixiecrat led effort of 1951 amending the Constitution to never have another four-term liberal, like Franklin Roosevelt, in the White House, by possibly having an unbroken string of twenty-four years of progressive Kennedy brothers as President instead. Essentially assuring that conservative interests would be weakened, perhaps irreparably. John Kennedy's presumed competition for the 1964 presidential campaign, the dour war monger Republican Barry Goldwater of Arizona, was seen by most as having no real chance to move the popular JFK from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. These were but some of the more salient dramas surrounding John Fitzgerald Kennedy on the last day of his life.

The election of Kennedy achieved a number of firsts. John Kennedy was the youngest man, at 43, to be elected President. He was, up to that point, the wealthiest man ever inaugurated. Few remember that at the time the Kennedy name was nearly as synonymous with money as that of the Rockefellers. Nowadays "Kennedy" and "politics" are yoked. The second child of Rose and Joseph P. was the first Catholic head of state, as well as the first 20th century born. And for you metaphysicists, JFK was the first Gemini. And finally, he was at age 46 the youngest to die as President of the United States.

As many of you are well aware there are literally dozens of alternative views of the who, what, where, when and why of Kennedy's murder, offered by perhaps hundreds of others over the nearly half century since it took place. Anyone wanting to know the likely truth behind the assassination are pretty much on their own. There's really no clear compass directing one to the best source for indisputably factual information related to November 22, 1963. Sadly, it's come to the point where the apparent reality is that we may never know for certain the honest history of this crime. Which to me is itself a tragedy. Observably there are people who still have something to gain by misleading the public on the matter. And worse, the persons responsible who played a part in this crime have manifestly gotten away with it, forever. As John Kennedy was known to say on occasion: "Life isn't fair." Neither is death.

For Sake of Nation: The Kennedy Murder

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

What No One Tells You About Your Baby's Name

!±8± What No One Tells You About Your Baby's Name

As you start to consider the different options for your developing child's name, keep in mind the fact that no one ever tells you - you don't get the final say so on what the kid will be called. You might think this indignity won't be a problem until they are in school (at which point, you hope you will have so engrained said child with your name of choice), but the fact is, naming issues start before the ink on the birth certificate is dry.

Family, for instance, will seldom bow to your wishes. You might want to call your daughter Elizabeth. Right away, Grandma will make it clear that she once knew an Elizabeth who was a terrible, terrible person and it reminds her of this evil being. Therefore, she will never use that name. Instead, she will call your daughter by her middle name.

If you're fortunate, only one grandparent will revolt at your chosen name. But with four different individuals (more if there has been a divorce and remarriage), you've got a good shot of unwelcome nicknames. Grandpa, for instance, thinks "Betty" (or worse, "Bitty") is superior to Elizabeth. Heck, "Bitty Betty" might carry the day. Or the reverse could be true; you might want to call her Betty, while Grandpa insists that he will only call her by the name on the birth certificate.

Add in a smorgasboard of other random folks, including the man (or woman) on the street, and you could wind up with some sort of insane nickname. If Elizabeth has an older, toddler-aged sibling, the nickname that sticks may well be nowhere near close to her name. Yes, your daughter may well be called "Wawa" for the first ten years of her life, until she is old enough to kick enough people's butt and change it.

Of course, the loss of your naming right only prepares you for the almost total loss of control you'll have over the entire rest of your child's life. Heck, you won't even be able to control what clothes they'll wear the first month of their life, thanks to spitup and exploding diapers. And just wait until they're teenagers!

Nope, your best course of action is to come up with some completely insane name, like Dskoioweir, and let the kid take control when they're old enough.

They might even decide to like it.

What No One Tells You About Your Baby's Name

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trundle Beds for Adults to Save Space! Trundle beds for adults are comfortable for sleeping arrangements. They also have a great selection with pop up trundle available for sale. Find a huge selection of twin beds with trundle, including day bed with trundle.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Trundle Bed is the Perfect Extra Bed Solution

!±8± The Trundle Bed is the Perfect Extra Bed Solution

Trundle beds have gained popularity in recent years in importance and are a great space saving addition to any home.

They are offered in many different styles and a wide selection of designs. Spin or double in size throughout are frames that allow them to slide under a sofa bed, futon bed or normal when not in use.

Since the trundle is located near the bottom, is ideal for children and infants. The full frame that holds the mattress is a few inches off the floorRollers. Spins sitting on these wooden or metal frame to frame dragging, which remain low. Safety rails for children that fit exactly like a normal bed, when the children need extra protection.

Several frames have a trundle pop-up feature, and can be raised up to a normal bed for older children or adults. This works so well because they may have on the mattresses and beds are made ready to sleep in a light powder, would be more like a hand, keep the bedpleasing to the guests.

For example, in a guest room of the day in bed, sitting area and provides an extra bed has a fold is filed under. When the trundle is necessary, he pulls out and is slightly raised and clicked into place, the height of the sofa bed. These frames have locks.

The additional space savings, and have an angle of amateur for a table game or puzzle games or more for any number of things in this room. A table top, shops on the hinges and against whichwall when the trundle is used makes perfect sense also. Wall shelves can hold office or hobby items up and out of the way quite nicely.

Standard bedding works fine for trundle beds because they are easy to access when pulled out for use. There is actually some good storage space on top of the trundle bed that some people like to take advantage of when the bed is not in use.

However, the real advantage of these beds is that they allow the saving of a lot of space. Extra space is a luxury in any room. The extra space can be utilized in many ways that the home owner, cabin owner or apartment dweller can enjoy.

When shopping for a trundle keep in mind the style and color if you want it to match a bed you already have. It is also a good idea to purchase a matching trundle when you buy a new bed. This way, the beds fit just right and look nice when they are both in use in the bedroom. Remember the home office too, The choices are many and really good for a multi-use room. Daybeds and futons are good as they provide seating and sleeping. Both easily acommodate a trundle. Futons with a bunkbed over and a trundle under are also awesome space savers. Make sure the beds are sturdy, that the mattresses will fit nicely on the beds without slipping or sliding and that the trundle made up with bedding will slide easily under the bed.

Most manufacturers supply the dimensions of these beds and they are pretty standard but don't be afraid to measure them to insure the space they take when trundle is out from under the bed. Some are safety tested and bear a seal. They are manufactured in plastic, hardwood, metal and new materials as well, so enjoy! You will have a lot of different choices to pick from.

The Trundle Bed is the Perfect Extra Bed Solution

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